11.Sınıf İngilizce A2.1 MEB Cevapları Sayfa 52

İngilizce A.2.1 MEB Cevapları Sayfa 52

Sayfadaki E etkinliği cevapları:
Christina is more hardworking and quieter than Pamela. Pamela is more sociable and active than Christina.
Sayfadaki A etkinliği cevapları:
Janet and Madeline are twins but different. Theytestonline.blogcu.com
usually do different things. Janet is more active
than Madeline. She is also more energetic.
Madeline is quieter and slower than Janet. She
is also more easy going. One day, Janet and
Madeline go shopping together. They get into a
big shopping centre. While they are shopping,
they lose each other. They buy things and go
to the cashier. Surprisingly, they see each other
there. And they notice the same things in their
hands. They smile and leave the center.stonline.blogc
Sayfadaki D etkinliği cevapları:
The same thing at the same time


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