Seda nedir,Seda isminin anlamı


  1. Ses 
    Örnek: Alenen ortaya çıkmak ve milletin hukuku namına, yüksek seda ile bağırmak ve bütün milleti bu sedaya iştirak ettirmek lazımdır. Atatürk

  2. Sada.

Diğer Dillerdeki Karşılıkları

  1. en: voice. sound ses. sada.

  2. en: voice. sound of a voice. echo. sound.

  3. en: Staff and Educational Development Association, which is the professional association for staff and educational developers in the UK, promoting innovation and good practice in higher education.

  4. en: Staff and Educational Development Association [UK].

  5. en: Staff and Educational Development Association.


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